April 23, 2009

Hit up the Kmart doubles today. My mom watched the girls so I could just take my time and I was in there for probably two hours, lol. I took my binder in with me and just walked up and down every aisle that had stuff I might have a coupon for.

I shouldn't have waited until today because they were out of stock on a bunch of stuff, some I really wanted...bummer, but oh well.

Also, I had a $5 off $50 coupon, but it was the wrong date and I didn't realize until I was already all rung up at check out :o( My total (including tax) came to $10.25 without that $5 coupon (I forget what before coupons...$61-66, somewhere around there...so I saved $50 at least with my coupons).

Suave lotion (big bottle) - $1.19 after doubled coupon
2 Clean and Clear face wash - .49 each (after double coupon...just assume that for the rest, lol)
2 Sure deodorant - .49 each
3 Huggies wipes - free
Hormel Compleats meal - free
Listerine pocket pack - free
flower nail decals - .29 (I thought Ava would get a kcik out of them)
Windex - .50 (I forget exactly, but something close to .50)
Gilette shave cream - free
Carefree liners - free
2 NYC roller lipglosses - free (for the girls)
Jane minerals lipgloss - free
Apple Jacks - .50
2 Halls cough drops - free
Crunch n Clean cat treats - free
4 Pringles - .50 each
Dove shampoo and conditioner - .99 each

Also bought ketchup for my mom because she called while I was in the store... so 28 items for $10.25 = roughly .37 per item. Still not shabby even without the 5 coupon mishap... geez with that coupon it would have been .19 per item, haha...

April 22, 2009


How cute is that idea??? I am so getting some bigger pots to sit outside...probably one for out back and one for the front... I know I would have loved that as a little girl so I am sure that the girls will like it now and really grow to enjoy it as they get older and more imaginative.

And, I will have fun picking stuff out at the craft store because I'm totally girly like that... :o)

April 21, 2009

Mike's working nights... Ava asked him this morning if he slept in a sleeping bag. When I explained to her last night that daddy would be home in the morning but the would still be able to sleep at work she said "OH! In a sleeping bag! Like a sleepover!" lol. Oh another funny Ava bit from this morning... "Charlotte! I don't want your boogers in my nose!" ROFL. They were playing and I guess Charlotte decided to pick her nose and try to transfer some to Ava... my goodness...

Went to CVS and Walgreens before I made dinner tonight. I should have waited and gone tomorrow because Walgreens has a 15% off coupon and they're giving away a free tote/green bag with every purchase. I might still go tomorrow, lol.

Of course I took pics too... world biggest nerd here :o)


Just got Crest ProHealth Toothpaste...and a Diet Pepsi because I didn't have any cash on me and I didn't want to use my card on what I thought would be like .40, lol. After I checked out it came to $4.50, and I thought that was way high so I questioned if something came out right and I guess I grabbed the wrong thing. L'Oreal eye stuff was supposed to be b1g1, I thought it was anything for eyes so I grabbed some eye pencil sharpeners, and with my coupons it would have been .49 for two. Turns out they were not part of the b1g1, so she asked me if I wanted to return them and I said sure, lol. So, I paid $4.50 at first, and got refunded $5.28 because she couldn't give me back my coupons, LOL. Plus I got a $2 ECB. Not bad, I basically got paid .78 for them to give me toothpaste and $2 to use later. Not what I originally planned, but hey I'll take it. Ignore my chicken scratch on the back of the reciept, I was figuring out the math and the closest writing instrument was a silver sharpie that bled through.

Moving on to Walgreens -

12 Roll pack of Angel Soft - store coupon from the ad made it 2/$6 (you do not have to buy 2, it will still take off half the sale if you buy 1...in this case, it made it $3), and I had a $1 coupon, so $2

Reach toothbrush, $1 coupon and in ad coupon that made it .99 = free

Chapstick - $1.99

2 Dawn dish detergent - $1 coupon for each and in ad coupon that made them .99 = freeeeeee

Jane eye shadow pot - clearance for $2.19, and I had a $2 coupon... .19!!

Used my $3 Register Reward I had from the last trip, and paid $1.52 for all that. ...and of course got another $2 RR. I swear I am not buying anything there ever again without something that will generate a RR, lol. Why I didn't catch on to those sooner I have no idea...they're awesome.

Sweet :o)

April 20, 2009

My Saturday shopping...


2 - Pert Plus (2.50 each, sale, minus 2 $1 coupons) $1.50 each
2 - Air Wick Freshmatic Mini (4.99, sale, minus 2 $4 coupons) .99 each.
2 - Purex ($6.99, b1g1free sale, used a b1g1 coupon) FREE

Used the 3.99 Extra Care Buck I got the day before when I bought the toothpaste and spent $1.49 out of pocket, and paid $1.05 for this trip.

And of course...I got $2 ECB for buying the Pert Plus, so I made $2 for spending $1.05 :o)

And also, I had two of the B1G1 Purex coupons (would have had more but my printer wasn't fixed in time, my mom printed me the two I had), but when I was in the store they only had 3 bottles on the shelf. So I just got two, well my mom said I should have gotten a rain check so she went in to get me one, lol... so they said they had more in the back and she used my other coupon to get me two more bottles free, but decided she would also just buy another bottle to get another one free, so she paid the $6.99+tax for one bottle and got 3 free bottles using the coupon :o) I am STOCKED on laundry detergent, lol. I should take a pic of my laundry shelf now, lol... I just got a huuuuge thing of free bleach yesterday too at the grocery store...

And on to Walgreens...where I screwed up...boo!

1 Edge shaving gel - $2.99
1 Walgreens Aluminum Foil - .59 with in ad coupon (?) it was cheap, lol. it was supposed to be the "filler" item to get me up high enough to use my two Register Rewards.
1 pack of Scrunchies... that is where I screwed up. I bought the wrong brand, and they were the wrong price. Ugh. They were supposed to be $2, but they were $1.29.

So I get to check out and my total is lower than it should have been, it didn't even dawn on me why, so I'm like hmm, maybe I did my math wrong, wouldn't be the first time, lol...so I add on a chocolate egg from the checkout counter for .12, still not enough, add on 2 more, lol, bumps my total up enough so I think, but the register still wouldn't take my last register reward... manager came over and said it had to be high enough of a total before tax...so I grabbed a chapstick because it was the closest thing to me but that was stupid, since the chapstick was .99 and I should have just grabbed another 12 cent egg, lol. Paid $1.08 for everything after my Register Rewards from the previous trip, and am annoyed because it should have only been like 10 cents, lol.

So I get out to the car and realize only the Register Reward for the Edge printed (got $3 for buying that), but not for the scrunchies. Turns out I bought the wrong brand so of course the RR didn't print, but the girls were getting cranky so we just left, and then it was too late to go back later when Mike got home because it was the girls bedtime. Had to just take a hit on that because the deal with the scrunchies was only through Saturday so I couldn't exhange them for the right ones on Sunday. Oh well. So if I had done it right, I would have paid like 10 cents and made $5, but I didn't so I paid $1.08 and made $3. Ehh, live and learn.

April 17, 2009


I had a $2 coupon for the All, and a $1 Target coupon, it was $4 something...I forget the change without looking at the receipt, and again, I'm being lazy :o) But the $3 in coupons took it down to to $1.xx. Not bad for name brand laundry detergent.

The Clorox wipes were on sale for I think $2.28, so .52 each or 1.56 for 3 after coupons!! I could be wrong on the $2.28, but that's what is sticking in my head and again with the too lazy to look at the reciept. I used 3 $1 Target coupons, and the B2G1 coupon you can find here! I like to keep a canister in each bathroom for quick wipe downs.

The Aveeno, was a STEAL. Seriously, I paid .40 for all of it! Total! The baby wash was on clearance for $1.48, and the lotion was clearanced for $2.48. They all had a small bottle of lotion attached to them too. I had 4 $2 off any Aveeno product coupons! Now, I could have used the coupons and probably gotten the .52 overage x4 if I had only bought the baby wash, but I still though the lotion was a good deal too. I'm seeing if my mom can print off some of the coupons so I can go back tomorrow and see if they still have any left. You might be able to get some of those coupons here, here, and possibly here.

The Axe (trial size) and the Dry Idea deodorant, were both FREE. There was a $1 off ANY Axe shower gel coupon in the paper two weeks ago...and there is a $2 Dry Idea coupon on Coupons.com right now.

The fruit snacks were .52 a box after using 4 of the Market Pantry Fruit Snacks coupons you can print here. I will be going back for more. Ava adores fruit snacks and they will keep well since they are in the individual foil packs.

This thing of Oreos was a pretty big size, and only cost .52 as well after I used the $1 off Nabisco snacks 7.5oz or larger! Going to go back for more of those too. They also has the mini Chips Ahoy, Animal Crackers, and Teddy Grahams. Ava wanted the Oreos.


I used $1.50 in ExtraCareBucks I had, and bought this toothpaste. I also had a $1 coupon, and paid $1.49 for it. Now, normally, I would not pay $1.49 for toothpaste when I can get it for .50 or less (even free) anymore...BUT, when you buy this toothpaste this week you get $3.99 in ECBs :o) So I paid $1.49 to get $3.99. And I already have a plan for that $3.99..


I had $2.50 in Register Rewards to use up and I wanted to use them on something that would give me more Rewards :o) So, today I bought another chapstick (which gave me a $2 reward), and the toothbrush (which gave me a $3.50 reward). The toothbrush was only $3.29, and the chapstick was $1.99, I used a $1 coupon for the toothbrush, and the $2.50 RR I had from last week, and I paid $1.90, to get $5.50 back!! And I already have a plan to use those tomorrow.

April 15, 2009

My deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals. From last week. I won't get to go this week until Saturday.

Walgreens -

Not much, a true shimmer chapstick, two toothbrushes, and a thing of Oust. Total would have been 9.98 if I had bought all these at once and used no coupons. But I had a $3 coupon for the toothbrushes and a $2 coupon for the Oust.

I bought the chapstick first, because it would print out a Register Reward for $2, and the chapstick cost $1.99. If you're going to pay a certain amount anyway, you might as well buy something that will be "free after rewards" first so you get more for the same amount of money after you use the Register Reward that printed.

So then I took that $2 RR and used it in addition to my $3 coupon and $2 coupon for a total of $7 off my second transaction....total spent on that one was $1.17...so that plus the $2.11 for the chapstick = $3.28 paid for everything, AND I got another $2.50 RR for buying the toothbrushes. Which I will use on this weeks deals to lower my out of pocket. Woohoo for Walgreens!

Aaaand on to CVS (actually, I went to CVS first, lol, but I took the Walgreens pics first when I got home)-

I had a couple of rain checks from two weeks ago... so I used those and then the only thing from last week I went for was the Buy 1 Get 1 razors. They were $9.99, and I got two so I could use two $4 coupons I had, taking $8 off and making them $1.99 for two. Not bad :o)

The rainchecks I had:
Glade Sense and Spray, $5.99. I had a $4 coupon, so that made it $1.99, and it printed out a $1 ExtraCareBuck for that.
2 Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubbers. $2.99 each. I had two coupons for $2.75 each so I paid .24 for each of those. Cheaper than vinegar and water, lol.

Total paid - $4.73, for two razors, two scrubbing bubbles scrubbers, and the Glade Sense & Spray....plus a $1 ECB to use on my next purchase. If I didn't have the rainchecks and didn't use coupons, total would have been $29.96 before tax...even still with rainchecks, and no coupons, $21.96.

And you should always sign up for samples, you never know what you might get! I checked my mail that day when I got home... I had signed up for an Aveeno shampoo/conditioner sample, thinking it would be a SAMPLE, you know those little packets, lol. This was what I got.. had the camera out for my deals anyway so I snapped a shot:

FULL SIZE. That's my coupon binder they are sitting on, lol.