November 29, 2009

Just some deal highlights from a grocery trip...

2 SuperPretzels - $1/box
Salad - $1
4 baking cups - .89 each, used .25/2 coupons...they doubled so they were .64 each
Popcorn - Free :o) Received a free item coupon in the mail.
GUM flossers - free + .10 overage
4 Mentos gum - free + .10 overage on each
bread - .90, and also got me $1 off milk :o)
Little Debbie snacks - free!
Magic Erasers - .49
2 Marcal TP - free
2 dips - free!

2 Kix - .50/box
2 Rice Krispies - $1/box (huge boxes!)
1 Danimals - $1
5 Coffee-Mate creamers - .50 each


Ran back in for these since I realized I didn't use my coupons for them... might as well since they were free. I really get a kick out of those 0.00 totals! :o)

Woot for survey and rebate checks!!

$35 total :o)

November 27, 2009

CVS on Black Friday. Just enlarge the reciepts for details :o) I used what ECBs I had to lower my out of pocket on the first transaction, and then just rolled the new ECB's into the next one. The BIC Soleil's are not the correct item, they were out but the cashier substituted them for me so I would still get the ECBs for them. I ended up earning more ECBs than I started with too!! :o)

My total for all four transactions was just SEVENTY ONE CENTS!! For roughly $70 in items! Man, I love CVS.

Transaction 1 - .35 out of pocket.

Transaction 2 - .10 out of pocket.

Transaction 3 - .26 out of pocket.

Transaction 4 - 0.00 out of pocket!

These came in the mail while I was shopping on Friday. I ordered them from eBay/Best Buy for $5.99 each, and got free shipping. Thanks to Mandy for alerting me to that deal!! :o)
Black Friday at TRU... I didn't really need any toys, I went just for the diapers and the free crayons, LOL.

2 packs of diapers, $5 each. Used $2 coupons on each made them just $3/pack!! They were out of the larger regular packs, but $3 is good for this size pack too. My mom also picked up two packs for me so I got four total.

It was a madhouse in there even at 8am (they'd been open since 12am), so after browsing a little and not finding much we went to look at the dvds...I bought 3 for $3.99 and Pocahontas for $9.99. The Swan Princess movies also had stickers on them for a free movie ticket to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs or Planet 51. The movies are for Christmas (well, The Dark Crystal isn't...that's mine, LOL).
I don't even know if they had any crayons left...I forgot to look for them. Oh well :o)

November 22, 2009

I had $10 in Kohl's cash emailed to me because our store recently remodeled... went in to browse and ended up picking up another Christmas present for the littlest bean. It's so cute! It was $22.99, on sale for 40% off so that took it down to 13.79, and then I used my $10 coupon. $4.02 after tax, pretty sweet! :o)
Went into Hallmark to use a couple $5 coupons I'd found in magazines. Did two transactions...

Ornament, tissue paper, new baby trinket (to add to a gift), card... Total after coupon? Just .31!! Add on tax and I paid .63 for this set of items.

Next I purchased two rolls of wrapping paper. It was $4.99 for the first roll and .99 for the second. After the coupon total was .98 + tax...making it $1.34. Not bad for two rolls of quality wrapping paper.

Quick run into Target...
Bleach was .36 after a $1 coupon
Tide packet was free
Lightbulbs were free
Baby wipes were free

November 21, 2009

2 Mr Potato Heads - Used $5 coupons = $1.99/each
1 Tidy Cats litter - Used a $1 coupon = .77
1 Up + Up baby wash - used a .50 coupon =.69
1 Up + Up baby shampoo - used a $1 coupon = .22
6 Up + Up wipes - used $1 coupons = .55/box
1 Pepperidge Farm crackers - used a $1 mfr coupon and a $1 Target coupon = .50
2 I Can't Believe it's Not Butter - Used a .75 mfr and a .75 Target on each = .24/each
3 GE lightbulbs - used 2 $1 mfr coupons, 1 $1.25 mrf coupon, and 2 $2 Target's = Free + .08 overage.
1 Command Hooks - Used a $1 mfr and a $1 Target = .49
1 Ritz - Used a $1 mfr and a $1 Target = .50
1 Ritz Crackerfulls - Used a free when you buy Ritz coupon = Free
14 Del Monte canned veggies - Used a $1/8 mfr, and 2 $1 off 6 Target coupons = .24/each.

And I am "mad" they didn't have any Glade holiday tins or refill packs!! Boo Target! lol

2 Glade Sense & Sprays - $6/each. Used a $3 mfr coupon and a $3 store coupon on each = Free. Got back a $4 ECB for buy $12 in Glade = Better than free! $4 "money maker"
1 Scope - $3.49. Used a $1 mfr coupon = $2.49. Got back a $2 ECB = .49
2 Scissors - $2.99 each. Got back $6 in ECB for buying them (used a rain check).
1 Duracell batteries - $2.99. Used a $1 coupon = $1.99. Got a $1 ECB for buying = .99
1 Covergirl foundation - $13. Used a $1 mfr coupon.
1 Covergirl blush - $10. Used a Buy 1 Foundation Get 1 Face Product Free coupon = Free. Got back a $10 ECB for buying both foundation and blush = $3 for both.
Not pictured - 2 packs of M&Ms. .67 each, used a Buy 1 Get 1 coupon.

I had planned to use a $5/20 store coupon as well, which would have made everything free, better than free actually, but when the cashier scanned it she said I had already used it. I was entirely confused as I most definitely had not used it, I don't print 2 copies of those types of coupons because I know you can't use them more than once at CVS. I felt bad because I knew I didn't use it but arguing was pointless because the cashier just thought I was lying and I could tell. So, whatever... my out of ECBs/pocket was $5 higher than I'd have liked, no big deal.

While I was there I saw they had Playskool diapers on clearance for $5/pack. Not a bad price and I was down to 3 diapers and had planned on picking some up at Target anyway. I bought one pack with the transaction above.

Total for that transaction was $14.85 (tax included). Wayyy higher than I would have liked. I was dissapointed. I even used $14 in ECBs to get my total that "low." Pssh, lol. I had a $10 giftcard I'd just recieved in the mail from MyPoints so I used that and paid $4.85 out of pocket. I did get back $23 in ECB though so I guess not so bad? Especially when you consider my original total before coupons and ECBs was around $60.

Left the store only to realize later I'd left the diapers at the register. So I sent hubby back for them and asked him to see if they still had any diapers left. They did and he picked up another pack, used $5 in ECB and paid nothing for them.

6 boxes of Scotties Tissues - on sale for $1, used four .50 coupons and two $1 coupons. The .50 doubled so all 6 boxes were free!

4 Marcal Small Steps - .95/each, used free item coupons, all four were free!

1 Dial Complete hand wash - $1.75. Used a .50 coupon that doubled, and paid just .75!

1 Windex - $3.29. Used a .55 mfr coupon that doubled, and a $1.50 store coupon. Paid .69!

6 (yes, there WERE 6, I know only 5 are pictured) loaves of Strohman bread - Buy 1 Get 1 Free at $3.59. Each loaf had a .55 coupon attached!! The coupons doubled, so each loaf only cost me .70!!

4 Tostitos - Buy 1 Get 1 Free, so $3.99/2. Not the greatest but we like these and use them a lot. I also had coupons for Buy 2 Get 1 dip/cheese/salsa free, so the Fritos cheese and the Tostitos cheese were both free! Saved roughly $6.50 on those!

Lance crackers were $2, and I used a $1 paid just $1.

The Friskies party mix was $1.25/each. Used a $2/2 coupon so they were only .25/each.

THIS is the poor bread bag that is missing in the previous picture. :o( I set a bag on the stove and I guess it hit the knob because next thing I knew smoke was filling the kitchen. I lost that bag of bread, a couple boxes of pasta, a container of caramel apple dip (I'd used a free coupon on too!! sad! lol) and one of the bags of tortilla chips above (it only burned a little of the bag, but made the chips taste awful so I tossed them).

And yes, I did buy more than what is pictured...I just showed the best deals :o) I picked up lots of fresh fruits and veggies, got some chicken and ground beef, kidney beans, milk, sour cream, cream cheese, did the Powerade deal for hubby (buy 10 for $10 and get a free 24 pack of Dasani water), yadda yadda... ;o)

November 18, 2009

I am all kinds of slacking with this blog. I seem to have misplaced my camera cord and after awhile of not finding it (despite that I haven't *really* looked for it, haha) I just stopped taking pictures. I do have a few on my camera now to upload but they aren't very current. I'll start back up again as soon as I find my cord. The plan is to find it today... but...I'm easily distracted so who knows. ;o)

November 4, 2009

12 Glade candle refills (2.50 each)
1 Dawn dish detergent (.97)
1 Colgate Total (???)
1 Schick Razors (6.99? it was with a raincheck) (this is also backdated, if you couldn't tell, lol)
2 Lindt truffles - .33 each I think.
I used a $1 coupon on the Dawn to make it free (it was adjusted down).
$1 coupon on the toothpaste
$2 on the razors
3 $1.50 coupons on the Glade
a $2/2 on the Glade
4 $2.50 coupons on the Glade (buy 2 get 1 free coupons)
1 $3/3 coupon on the Glade
Also used a $5/25 CVS coupon and a $10 ECB.
Recieved back a $4, $9, and $1 ECB, so it was a $4 "money maker," but I did end up spending $3.35 out of pocket, so really only a .65 moneymaker.

November 3, 2009

I took these pictures just to say how much I love Ollie's. Cheap books and you can't go wrong with that, and they often have dvd's for $2.99. Makes for a good stocking stuffer, especially when you have kids who love Hello Kitty, lol. Beats the $5 section at Target even. :o)

I had $10 in Kohl's Cash emailed to me because our Kohl's recently remodled. Picked up 3 shirts and a pair of Carter's PJ's for just $6.40 after the coupon! Just $1.60 per item!

Trip to Sears to use up the $10 Juniors coupon, and a $10 Land's End coupon.

I ended up purchasing 3 shirts for myself and 2 shirts for the girls (browsed the children's section too, they were $2.xx), and the total was $11.95...for 5 shirts!! That equals out to $2.39 each. Not bad at all. Then I purchased gloves for myself from the Land's End section and paid $2.50! :o)

November 2, 2009

Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Slice, by Five for Fighting! :o)