November 13, 2011

Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon When You Take the North "Poll"

Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North "Poll!" You'll Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon** to use at just for voting!

November 6, 2011

Completing our New York City trip with Billy Elliot

Guest post written by Peter Rogerson

I say that a trip to New York is never really complete without a trip to see a good Broadway play. i've been so many times over the years, but this was the first time that I was able to take my gradnkids with me. I've been wanting to take them on this trip for so long, so I was so relieved that it all finally came together and I was able to do it.

My grandkids are teenagers now, so I think that they were able to appreciate seeing all the sights and sounds better than say if they were 8 and 10 years old. I also knew that I wanted to take them to see a Broadway play while we were there, so I looked up discount ticket prices for plays online before we went. When I was looking that up, I ran across some miracle ear prices and after I thought about it for a little bit I decided to get some hearing aids before the trip.

I was glad that I got them when we went and saw Billy Eilliot because our seats weren't too close, but they say that any seat in the house is a good seat, so we just thought about it in that way.